Friday, February 4, 2011

Sustainability Through Food!

With the new semester came a new change for Sustainability Through Food. This semester, our group is missing one member because Lydia is studying abroad at the University of Leeds in England. Although we only have four people in our group now, we are still committed to learning how to cook sustainably!
We can’t believe how fast January flew by! It seems like the first day of classes for the second semester was yesterday, and yet it’s already February! This month, our group focused on continuing our efforts in learning to cook healthy, sustainable meals. We had plans to attend a cooking class at Whole Foods as well as cook on our own, but unfortunately red tape and scheduling conflicts prevented us from doing so. As a result, the group put all of their energy into making our poster for the VIP Showcase! Everyone in the group had a hand in the design, content, and layout of the poster. Even Lydia took time to send us the pictures that she took of our group last semester, and she is currently in Europe! We’re all very happy with the finished product, and we can’t wait to show it off at the VIP Showcase later this February.
Sustainability Through Food is looking forward to what the rest of the semester will bring. We’ve already planned our first project for February: cooking a three-course meal!

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