Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bust A Myth!

Hi guys. Sorry for the late post. As you all know, we had to work on our posters for our VIP showcase at the Commons on Feb. 15th. So last weekend, some of us got together and took pictures around campus, and that has been pretty fun. The weather was gorgeous, which also helped.

For our poster, we initially used Microsoft Publisher but it was very difficult for us to select a design that we really liked (including color scheme, font, font size etc.) And it wasn't until later when we realized we could actually use Microsoft PowerPoint and manipulate the size. Anyways, we finished the poster and it looks pretty awesome!

I guess one of the more difficult things our group has faced so far is really trying to get everyone get together at the same time. Because there's the nine of us, it is incredibly difficult to have a time when all of us are available. Despite these difficulties, we have finished our poster and we'll try to do better in prioritizing our work next time!

P.S. If you want some to see some of the pictures we took last weekend, ask Daniel as he has the photos!

Bust A Myth

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