Saturday, October 2, 2010

Building an Ethical Identity

As the year progresses, its unbelievable that it's already October, and how our project has developed so far. We've done a good amount of restructuring and streamlining to our project, dividing our efforts into two phases: research/introspection, and engaging the community. We are well into phase one, and have been holding our weekly dinners, compiling a formidable collection of bioethics-centered articles and news, and discussing the topics at length to figure out what exactly is relevant. In addition, this next month, we will begin meeting with and interviewing authorities on various facets of bioethics and find what exactly are the "hot topic" issues as professionals perceive. We feel that the implementation of our project in phases will give it order and allow us to make the biggest impact with what we're given.

We feel that its important to have focus in our project, as what we're trying to do isn't just to make the community aware of specific issues of bioethical concern, but to change attitudes, and raise a broad concern for ethics in one of the most sensitive fields, medicine. As technology and medicine develops at the rate that it has and does, the specific issues are always contingent - while an ethical evaluation of particulars is important, this discourse can only happen when we are willing step back and reflect not just on the science, but on the values at stake. We hope that the questions that we raise don't just stand independently, but fit together to bring attention to the importance of bioethics as a whole.

- Building an Ethical Identity

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