Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Attention, Row!

My name is Andrew, and I'm part of the Row Row Row Your Boat VIP project. We're a group of friends on the Vanderbilt Crew Team who are examining a question that crosses all of our minds at one point or another: Why do people row?

With the season starting back up, that question crosses my mind more than ever. Only a few days after we moved in I spent eight hours getting sunburned and waxing boats. And did the same thing again a week later. After many of us spent the entire summer off the water, our first rows were somewhat rough and not the enjoyable rows about which we all like to tell people In addition to all of that, we're busy recruiting for our freshmen squad. How am I supposed to tell someone else to row when my relationship with the sport is best described as love/hate?

I believe everyone in our group has asked themselves a lot of these same questions. Yet we all still go out six days a week, rain or shine, and work as hard as we possibly can for our own little corner of glory and collegiate club rowing fame. Now more than ever I'm glad we've decided to take a closer look at the oldest intercollegiate sport.

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