Friday, September 3, 2010

Building an Ethical Identity

It's the beginning of the school year, and while all of us have ample work to do for classes, we are very excited for the year to come and what this means for our VIP group. Of course, at this juncture, we are still in preliminary stages. However, in regards to this, we have made good progress. So far, we've compiled a list of authorities with backgrounds in philosophy, medicine, and specifically bioethics to hopefully interview and contribute to our "archive." We've moved forward with this and contacted the majority of them. At the moment, we are figuring out a comprehensive schedule for the year, regarding what we want to accomplish and when we want it done. Accordingly, we're working out specific dates to schedule interviews with these contacts. A specific direction we want to take this is inviting some of these authorities to speak to students on campus.

On another note, as we've progressed this fall in our respective fields, whether it be philosophy, medicine or whatever, the group consensus is that we've increasingly realized the need for a sense of ethics in medicine, and with the sort of walls that technological development has been breaking down, this need is becoming more and more imperative. We are very excited to educate ourselves on the issues as well as to make our findings available.

- Building an Ethical Identity

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